Getting to Coimbra

Coimbra is located 200 km north of Lisbon and 120 km south of Porto (Oporto). The average duration of travel between Lisbon and Coimbra is 2 hours (train, bus or car). The average time to go from Oporto to Coimbra is 1 hour and 15 minutes. Travelling by train is highly recommended. More information about Coimbra can be obtained by following this link.

Below you can find general information explaining how to get from the Lisbon or Oporto airports to Coimbra.

From Lisbon airport (Lisbon International Airport)

From Oporto airport (Sá Carneiro Airport)

  In Coimbra

Once you arrive in Coimbra, the best way to get to your hotel is by taxi. The fare from the train station to your hotel should be less than 5 Euros.


ICAR 2003 venue

The ICAR 2003 Conference will be held in the historic part of the University of Coimbra in new conference facilities harmoniously integrated in the seven centuries-old campus.
