Previous research
·Study of Grounding Systems and Impulsive Currents
Role: Consultant in the area of intelligent systems and algorithms.
Place: LAMOTRIZ, Department of Electrical Engineering; University Federal of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Financing: Energy Company of Ceará (COELCE); Project reference PD-0039-0045/2011.
Summary: The objective of this project was to evaluate grounding systems in the presence of impulsive currents derived from lightning strikes. Several studies were performed regarding the design, simlation and implementation of different topologies of grounding systems. The project was also resposible to the devlopment of a system capable of predicting different grouding topologies without any prior information on the soil properties.
Published Results:
[3]. F.A.A. Souza, T.R. Neto, F.R.P. Magalhães, F.B. Silva, R.S. Pontes. “Predicting the Grounding Topology Based on Grounding Impedance and the Pattern Recognition Framework: A case study on one to four ground rods in straight line”. In: IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, vol.PP, no.99, pp.1-1, 2016. [bib; pdf; doi].
[2]. C.M.T. Cruz, R.S.T. Pontes, T.R.F. Neto, F.A.A. Souza, F.B. Silva, J.A. Castro. Avaliação de Sistemas de Aterramento Utilizando Tensões Impulsivas. In: VII Congresso de Inovação Tecnológica em Energia Elétrica, (CITENEL 2015), 2015, Costa do Sauípe, Bahia, Brazil. [bib; pdf].
[1]. Francisco A. A. Souza, Tobias R. Fernandes Neto, Felipe Bandeira Silva, Ednardo M. Rodrigues, Ricardo Silva Thé Pontes. Exploiting the impulse response of grounding systems for automatic classification of grounding topologises. In: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing & 6th International Conference on Lightning Physics and Effects (GROUND 2014), 2014, Manaus. [bib; pdf]
·Monitoring and Detection of Eccentricity on the Rotor-Stator of Aerogenerators Systems
Role: PhD Researcher. My main roles were the design the line of research, conduct the software and intelligent decision tools development.
Place: Control Engenharia (in Portuguese), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Financing: Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Grant reference - 351187/2014-6.
Summary: The objective of this project is the development of a system to monitor and detect the rotor-stator misalignment in synchronous generators of
aerogenerators systems. The system is going to be composed by several sensors to detect the misalignment/eccentricity of rotor-stator and a software responsible for real-time system monitoring.
·Computational Intelligence Methodologies for Soft Sensors Development in Industrial Processes
Role: PhD Student.
Place: University of Coimbra (UC), and Acontrol.
Financing: Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT), Grant reference - SFRH/BD/63454/2009.
Note: My thesis subject and scholarship.
Summary (original summary proposal): The objective of this project (research grant) was the development of computational methodologies for soft sensor development in industrial processes. Soft Sensors are inferential models that use online available sensor measures for on-line estimation of variables which cannot be automatically measured at all, or can only be measured at high cost, sporadically, or with high delays (e.g. laboratory analysis). They are important tools for many industrial processes, like pulp and paper mills, wastewater treatment systems, just to give few examples. The thesis will research and propose new methodologies for the main issues of development: pre-processing, model selection and learning, and adaptivity. New methodologies will be researched for Soft Sensors development, using computational intelligence methods, like neural networks, genetic algorithms, support vector machines and others.
The validation of the proposed methodologies will be performed through the prediction of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) carryover at the bleach of a pulp and paper mill process and NOx emission in a cement kiln system, both related to product quality.
Published Results: The same as the project below.
·SInCACI - Intelligent Systems for Industrial Control, Acquisition and Communication
Role: Researcher. I this project I was working mainly on the topics “Research computational intelligence techniques for the development of soft sensors for industrial application;” and “On-line process control and monitoring”.
Place: University of Coimbra (UC), and Acontrol.
Financing: “Mais Centro Operacional Program”, financed by “European Regional Development Fund” (ERDF), and “Agência de Inovação” (AdI). Reference number - SInCACI/3120/2009.
Summary: The objectives and scope of the project are performing R&D on intelligent control and decision methods; Development of a general-purpose Fuzzy Control System (FCS); On-line process control and monitoring; Controller specification and implementation; Visualization of the process state; Devices/process failure reports; Direct application to industry problems; Research computational intelligence techniques for the development of soft sensors for industrial application; R&D on industrial communication and processing modules: industrial distributed real-time communication fieldbus protocols: ControlNet, Ethernet/IP, DeviceNet; ProfiNet. Relevant properties to industrial fieldbuses: Real-time operation, Reliability, Deterministic, Error-proof, Easy to extend and maintain. Direct application to industry problems; Selling on market
Published Results:
[12]. Tiago Matias, Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo, Saeid Rastegar, Jérôme Mendes. Adaptive identification and predictive control using an improved on-line sequential extreme learning machine. In: 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2014), 2014, Dallas, TX.
[doi; pdf; bib]
[11]. Tiago Matias, Dulce Gabriel, Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo, J. Costa Pereira. Fault Detection and Replacement of a Temperature Sensor in a Cement Rotary Kiln. In: IEEE 18th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2013), Cagliari, Italy. [doi; pdf; bib].
[10]. Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo. An online variable selection method using recursive least squares. In: 2012 IEEE 17th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), Krakow, Poland.[doi; pdf; bib].
[9]. Jerome Mendes, Samuel Pinto, Rui Araújo, Francisco Souza. Evolutionary fuzzy models for nonlinear identification. In: 2012 IEEE 17th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2012), Krakow, Poland. [doi; pdf; bib].
[8]. Francisco Souza, Tiago Matias, Rui Araújo. Co-evolutionary genetic Multilayer Perceptron for feature selection and model design. In: 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), Toulouse, France.
[doi; pdf; bib].
[7]. Symone Soares, Rui Araújo, Pedro Souza, Francisco Souza. Design and application of Soft Sensor using Ensemble Methods. In: 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), Toulouse, France.
[doi; pdf; bib].
[6]. Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo. Variable and time-lag selection using empirical data. In: 2011 IEEE 16th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation (ETFA 2011), Toulouse, France. [doi; pdf; bib].
[5]. Thiago N. Castro, Francisco Souza, José M.B. Alves, Ricardo S.T. Pontes, Mosefram B.M. Firmino, Thiago M. Pereira. Seasonal rainfall forecast using a Neo-Fuzzy Neuron Model. In: 2011 9th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2011), Lisbon, Portugal. [doi; pdf; bib].
[4]. Leonaldo S. Gomes, Francisco Souza, Thiago M. Pereira, Ricardo S. T. Pontes, Otacílio M. Almeida. Modelo Neural Narx aplicado à Inferência dos Sinais de Controle de Dosagem de Coagulantes Principal e Auxiliar no Processo de Tratamento de Água por Filtração Direta. In: X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, (CBIC 2011), Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil.[doi; pdf; bib].
[3]. Francisco Souza, Rui Araújo. Variable Selection Based on Mutual Information for Soft Sensors Applications]. In: 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, Controlo’2010, 2010, Coimbra. Controlo’2010, 2010. [pdf; bib].
[2]. Jérôme Mendes, Rui Araújo, Francisco Souza. Adaptive Fuzzy Generalized Predictive Control Based on Discrete-Time T-S Fuzzy Model. In: 2010 15th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), Bilbao, Spain. [doi; pdf; bib].
[1]. Francisco Souza, Pedro Santos, Rui Araújo. Variable and delay selection using neural networks and mutual information for data-driven soft sensors. In: 2010 15th IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010), Bilbao, Spain.[doi; pdf; bib].
·Development of DC-DC converters for renewable energy applications.
Roles: Volunteer researcher, graduate student. I have implemented several push-pull converters in theoretical, simulation and experimental levels.
Place: Department of Electrical Engineering; University Federal of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Financing: Group of Energy Processing and Control (GPEC) - University Federal of Ceará.
Summary: This project had as objective the development of new DC-DC converters for renewable energy applications. Different DC-DC push pull converters with different snubbers for energy recovery were implemented in theory, simulation and a prototype was built and evaluated.
Published Results:
[2]. René P.T Bascopé, Grover V.T. Bascopé, Carlos G.C. Branco, Cícero M.T. Cruz, Francisco Souza, Luiz H.C. Barreto. A new isolated DC-DC boost converter using three-state switching cell. In: Twenty Third Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, (APEC 2008), Austin, TX. [bib; pdf; doi].
[1]. René P.T Bascopé, Grover V.T. Bascopé, Carlos G.C. Branco, Daniel L. Ferreira, Francisco Souza. Analysis and Proposal of an Isolated DC/AC System Using Three-State Switching Cell. In: 2009 10th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, (COBEP 2009), Bonito-Ms. [bib; pdf; doi].
·Development of an Automatic Monitoring System for Water Treatment Systems.
Role: Graduate student Scholarship from CNPq-PIBID program. Helping other members along different tasks, mainly in PIC microcontroller programming (C language) and printed board confection (design and fabrication). Development of remote GPRS acquisition system.
Local: Department of Electrical Engineering; University Federal of Ceará, Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
Financing: Ceará State Foundation for the Support of Scientific and Technological Development (FUNCAP), National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and Sanebrás.
Summary: The objective of this research was to develop low cost sensors and a human machine interface (HMI) for monitoring water treatment systems. The monitoring system was built by taking into consideration the hazard environment and the remote location of some Water Treatment Plants. A remote acquisition system based on GPRS signal was developed along the project, enabling the remote monitoring of Water Treatment Plants. A real water treatment plant was used as experimental setup.
Published Results:
[2]. Souza et. al. Sistema de Monitoramento Automatico aplicado a uma Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes, Parte 2. In: Encontro de Iniciação Cientifica, 2007, Fortaleza. Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2007. (In Portuguese) [pdf].
[1]. Chaves et. al. Sistema de Monitoramento Automatico para uma Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes, Parte 1. In: Encontro de Iniciação Cientifica, 2006, Fortaleza. Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2006. (In Portuguese) [pdf].